周建宏,博士,西南大学地科院副教授,重庆江津人。2021年博士毕业于河海大学水文院,先后在美国农业部水文遥感实验室、清华大学地学系和天津大学地科院开展研究工作。以第一作者身份在Water Resources Research和Remote Sensing of Environment等国际主流期刊发表多篇论文,主持和参与多项国家自然科学基金和国家重点研发计划课题等项目。担任Water Resources Research、Remote Sensing of Environment、Geoscientific Model Development和Journal of Hydrology等国际主流期刊审稿人,CSCIED科技核心评价数据库评委。
2024.12至今, 成人直播网站-成人直播线上看 ,副教授
2023.09至2024.11, 天津大学地球系统科学学院,副研究员
2021.07至2023.07, 清华大学地球系统科学系,博士后/助理研究员
2014.09至2021.06, 河海大学,水文学及水资源,工学博士
2019.01至2020.01, 美国农业部水文遥感实验室,联合培养博士生
2010.09至2014.07, 贵州大学,水文与水资源工程,工学学士
[1] Zhou J., Yang K., Crow W. et al., 2023. Potential of remote sensing surface temperature- and evapotranspiration-based land-atmosphere coupling metrics for land surface model calibration. Remote Sensing of Environment, 291: 113557. (TOP期刊)
[2] Zhou J., Crow W., Wu Z. et al., 2022. Improving soil moisture assimilation efficiency via model calibration using SMAP surface soil moisture climatology information. Remote Sensing of Environment, 280: 113161. (TOP期刊)
[3] Zhou J., Crow W., Wu Z. et al., 2021. A triple collocation-based 2D soil moisture merging methodology considering spatial and temporal nonstationary errors. Remote Sensing of Environment, 263: 112509. (TOP期刊)
[4] Zhou J., Wu Z., Crow W. et al., 2020. Improving spatial patterns prior to land surface data assimilation via model calibration using SMAP surface soil moisture data. Water Resources Research, 56: e2020WR027770. (TOP期刊)
[5] Zhou J., Wu Z., He H. et al., 2019. Regional assimilation of in situ observed soil moisture into the VIC model considering spatial variability. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 64(16): 2150-3435. (IAHS会刊)
[6] Wu Z., Zhou J., He H. et al., 2018. An advanced error correction methodology for merging in-situ observed and model-based soil moisture. Journal of Hydrology, 566: 150-163.
[7] He Q., Lu H., Yang K., Oki T., Zhou J. et al., 2024. Global optimization of soil texture maps from satellite‐observed soil moisture drydowns and its Implementation in Noah‐MP land surface model. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 16, e2023MS004142.
[8] Tian X., Dong J., Chen X., Zhou J. et al., 2024. County‐level evaluation of large‐scale gridded data sets of irrigated area over China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 129: 2023JD040333.
[9] Feng H., Wu Z, Dong J., Zhou J. et al., 2023. Transpiration-soil evaporation partitioning determines inter-model differences in soil moisture and evapotranspiration coupling. Remote Sensing of Environment, 298:113841.
[10] Ma X., Tian L., Jiang Y., Liang J., Tian J., Zhou J. et al., 2023. Large uncertainties in precipitation exert considerable impact on land surface temperature modeling over the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128: e2022JD037615.
[11] Jiang Y., Yang K., Qi Y., Zhou X., He J., Lu H., Li X., Chen Y., Li X., Zhou B., Mamtimin A., Shao C., Ma X., Tian J., Zhou J., 2023. TPHiPr: a long-term (1979–2020) high-accuracy precipitation dataset (1=30°, daily) for the Third Pole region based on high-resolution atmospheric modeling and dense observations. Earth System Science Data, 15, 621-638.
[12] Tian J., Lu H., Yang K., Qin J., Zhao L., Zhou J. et al., 2023. Quick estimation of parameters for the land surface data assimilation system and its influence based on the extended Kalman filter and automatic differentiation. Science China Earth Sciences, 66.
[13] Yang K., Chen Y., La Z., Zhan C., Ling X., Zhou X., Jiang Y., Yao X., Lu H., Ma X., Ouyang L., Pan W., Ren Y., Shao C., Tian J., Yang H., Yue S., Zhang K., Zhao D., Zhou J. et al., 2023. Cross-sectional rainfall observation on the central-western Tibetan Plateau in the warm season: System design and preliminary results. Science China Earth Sciences, 66.
[14] Tian J., Lu H., Yang K., Qin J., Zhao L., Jiang Y., Shi P., Ma X., Zhou J., 2023. Improving surface soil moisture estimation through assimilating satellite land surface temperature with a linear SM-LST relationship. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 16:7777-7790.
[15] Wu Z., Feng H., He H., Zhou J. et al., 2021. Evaluation of soil moisture climatology and anomaly components derived from ERA5-Land and GLDAS-2.1 in China. Water Resources Management, 35: 629-643.
[16] Xu Z., Wu Z., He H., Wu X., Zhou J. et al., 2019. Evaluating the accuracy of MSWEP V2.1 and its performance for drought monitoring over mainland China. Atmospheric Research, 226: 17-3.
[17] Wu Z., Xu Z., Wang F., He H., Zhou J. et al., 2018. Hydrologic evaluation of multi-source satellite precipitation products for the Upper Huaihe River Basin, China. Remote Sensing, 10: 6.
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ResearchGate: //www.researchgate.net/profile/Jianhong-Zhou-5