陈鹏,男,讲师。主要从事景观格局变化、生态水文效应、水土流失过程与机制等研究。近年来以第一/共同作者在International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation,Earth's Future,Environmental Research Letters等期刊发表论文20余篇,荣获2023年第二季度、2024年第一季度“威立Wiley中国开放科学高贡献作者奖”。
2024-7至今,西南大学,成人直播网站 ,讲师
Chen P., Wang S.*, Liu YX., et al. Improve food, water, and economic benefits in China’s oases through crop switching. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2024, 131,103946.
Chen P., Wang S.*, Liu YX., et al. Spatio-temporal dynamics of aboveground biomass in China's oasis grasslands between 1989 and 2021. Earth's Future, 2024, 12(3), e2023EF003944. (威立Wiley中国开放科学高贡献作者奖)
Chen P., Wang S.*, Liu YX., et al. Water Availability in China's Oases Decreased Between 1987 and 2017. Earth's Future, 2023, 11(4), e2022EF003340. (威立Wiley中国开放科学高贡献作者奖)
Chen P., Wang S.*, Liu YX., et al. Spatio-temporal patterns of oasis dynamics in China’s drylands between 1987 and 2017. Environmental Research Letters, 2022, 17(06), 064044.
Chen P., Wang S.*, Song S., et al. Ecological restoration intensifies evapotranspiration in the Kubuqi Desert. Ecological Engineering, 2022, 175, 106504.
Chen P., Guo JY., Dong Z.*, et al. Effects of shrub-grass patterns on soil detachment and hydraulic parameters of slope in the Pisha sandstone area of Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Forestry Research, 2021.
陈鹏,郭建英,董智*,等.砒砂岩区不同退耕还林措施土壤颗粒及交换性能分布特征.水土保持学报,2019,33(03): 43-50.
陈鹏,郭建英,董智*,等.达拉特旗砒砂岩裸露区退耕还林土壤生态化学计量分布.中国水土保持科学,2020,18(01), 25-34
陈鹏,张铁钢,董智*,等.灌草格局对砒砂岩区产流产沙特征的影响.干旱区资源与环境, 2020, 34(09), 116-121.
Li YR., Chen P., Niu Y.*, et al. Dynamics and attributions of ecosystem water yields in China from 2001 to 2020. Ecological Indicators, 2022, 143: 109373. (共一)
Wang YJ., Liu YX.*, Chen P., et al. Interannual precipitation variability dominates the growth of alpine grassland above-ground biomass at high elevations on the Tibetan Plateau. Science of The Total Environment, 2024, 931, 172745.
Qiu MQ, Liu YX, Chen P., et al., Spatio-temporal changes and hydrological forces of wetland landscape pattern in the Yellow River Delta during 1986–2022. Landscape Ecology, 2024, 39: 51.
Li ZD., Li YR., Yu XX., Jia GD., Chen P., et al., Applicability and improvement of different potential evapotranspiration models in different climate zones of China. Ecological Processes, 2024, 13(1), 20.
Fu FY., Wang S., Wu XT., Wei FL., Chen P., et al., Locating hydrologically unsustainable areas for supporting ecological restoration in china's drylands. Earth's Future, 2024, 12(3), e2023EF004216.
Li YR., Niu Y., Wei TX.*, Liang YS., Chen P., et al., Mapping rainfall interception for assessing ecological restoration sustainability in China. Environmental Research Letters, 2022, 17(10), 104007.
Gao DX., Wang S.*, Li ZD., Wei FL., Chen P., et al., Threshold of vapor pressure deficit constraint on light use efficiency varied with soil water content. Ecohydrology, 2022, 15 (1), e2305.
Yao Y., Liu Y.*, Fu B., Wang Y., Wang Y., Chen P., et al., A warmer winter followed by a colder summer contributed to a longer recovery time in the high latitudes of Northeast China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2022, 321: 108979. (IF=6.424, 1 区 Top)
Li ZD., Wang S.*, Li CJ., Ye CC., Gao DX., Chen P., The trend shift caused by ecological restoration accelerates the vegetation greening of China's drylands since the 1980s. Environmental Research Letters, 2022, 17(4), 044062.
Gao DX., Wang S.*, Wei FL., Wu XT., Zhou S., Wang LX., Li ZD., Chen P., et al., The vulnerability of ecosystem structure in the semi-arid area revealed by the functional trait networks. Ecological Indicators, 2022, 139: 108894.
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