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袁川,成人直播网站 自然地理系,副教授












2023-7至今,西南大学,成人直播网站 ,副教授






中国国家自然科学基金青年科学基金(No. 41901038):黄土-沙漠过渡带典型灌木降水再分配时空格局及其对土壤水分运移过程的影响,2020–202225万,结题,主持

中国博士后科学基金(No. 2018M633427):干热河谷典型乔灌植被降水再分配模式与影响机制研究,2018 & 20195万,结题,主持

中国科学院城市与区域生态国家重点实验室开放基金(No. SKLURE2022-2-4):黄土高原退耕还林典型灌木的穿透雨空间格局及其时间稳定性研究,2022–202315万,在研,主持

浙江农林大学科研发展基金(No. 2020RF018):黄土高原典型灌木的树干茎流产流过程及其土壤水分动态响应机制,15万,2020–2023,结题,主持

中国国家自然科学基金地区科学基金(No. 41867029):高原山地坡式梯田生态系统服务权衡机制研究,40万,2019–2022,结题,参与

中国国家自然科学基金重大项目第二课题(No. 41390462):黄土高原草灌生态系统对土壤水变化的响应机制,2014–2018360万,结题,参与

中国国家自然科学基金面上项目(No. 41471094):黄土丘陵区典型流域水沙变化的时空尺度特征与驱动机制研究,2014–201786 万,结题,参与




Yanjia Jiang, Yaling Zhang, Bihang Fan, Jiahao Wen, Hu Liu, Carlos R. Mello, Junfang Cui, Chuan Yuan, Li Guo, 2023. Preferential flow influences the temporal stability of soil moisture in a headwater catchment. Geoderma, 437, 116590.

周佳玉, 袁川*, 马杰敏, 毛梦绮, 岳晓萍, 郭立, 王帅, 高光耀, 2023. 温带森林乔木生物量估算:Logistic模型优于Allometric模型. 生态学报, 43. DOI: 10.5846/ stxb202210192977

Chuan Yuan, Li Guo, Delphis F. Levia, Max Rietkerk, Bojie Fu, Guangyao Gao*, 2022. Quantity or Efficiency: Strategies of self-organized xerophytic shrubs to harvest rain. Water Resources Research, 58, e2022WR032008.

Yafeng Zhang*, Chuan Yuan, Ning Chen, Delphis F. Levia, 2022. Rainfall partitioning by vegetation in China: A quantitative synthesis. Journal of Hydrology. 617, 128946.

Jinxia An, Guangyao Gao*, Chuan Yuan, Juan Pinos, Bojie Fu, 2022. Inter- and intra-event rainfall partitioning dynamics of two typical xerophytic shrubs in the Loess Plateau of China. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 26, 3885–3900.

Hui Zou, Guangyao Gao*, Chuan Yuan, Wenbin Yang*, 2022. Interactions between soil water and plant community dynamics in the restored grasslands with vegetation succession on the Loess Plateau of China. Land Degradation and Development, 34, 1582–1592.

Jiemin Ma, Chuan Yuan*, Jiayu Zhou, Yan Li, Guangyao Gao, Bojie Fu, 2021. Logistic model outperforms allometric regression to estimate biomass of xerophytic shrubs. Ecological Indicators, 132, 108278.

Di Wang, Guangyao Gao*, Junran Li, Chuan Yuan, Yihe Lü, Bojie Fu, 2020. Sap flow dynamics of xerophytic shrubs differ significantly among rainfall categories in the Loess Plateau of China. Journal of Hydrology, 585, 124815.

Di Wang, Lide Tian*, Zhongyin Cai, Lili Shao, Xiaoyu Guo, Ran Tian, Yike Li, Yiliang Chen, Chuan Yuan, 2020. Indian monsoon precipitation isotopes linked with high level cloud cover at local and regional scales. Planetary Science Letters, 529, 115837.

Chuan Yuan, Guangyao Gao*, Bojie Fu, Daming He, Xingwu Duan, Xiaohua Wei, 2019. Temporal-dependent effects of rainfall characteristics on inter-/intra-vent branch-scale stemflow variability in two xerophytic shrubs. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 23, 4077–4095.

艾长江, 高光耀*, 袁川, 童菊秀, 安金霞, 傅伯杰, 2018. 陕北黄土高原柠条灌丛穿透雨特征与影响因素. 生态学报, 38, 6063–6073.

袁旭, 陆颖*, 毕晓静, 袁川, 何开为, 敦越, 2018. 一种水电站水足迹改进计算方法. 中国农村水利水电, 7, 165–168.

Chuan Yuan, Guangyao Gao*, Bojie Fu, 2017. Comparisons of stem flow and its bio-/abiotic influential factors between two xerophytic shrub species. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 21, 1421–1438.

Chuan Yuan, Guangyao Gao*, Bojie Fu, 2016. Stemflow of a xerophytic shrub (Salix psammophila) in northern China: Implication for beneficial branch architecture to produce stemflow. Journal of Hydrology, 539, 577–588.



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